Basic Legal Norms on Arbitration Courts

Set of Arbitration Rules

Basic Legal Norms on Arbitration Courts

  • Civil Procedure Code - Law of April 23, 1964, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 16, item 93, as amended,
  • Law on Judicial Costs in Civil Cases of July 28, 2005, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 167, item 1398,
  • Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Law of February 28, 2003, Polish Journal of Laws No. 60, item 535, as amended,
  • Regulation of the Minister of Justice of September 28, 2002, on Lawyers' Fees and State Support for Fees Paid from the State Treasury for Services Provided by a Lawyer Appointed by the Court, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 163, item 1348, as amended.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Justice of September 28, 2002, on Fees for Legal Advisers and Reimbursement by the State Treasury of Expenses for State Support Provided by a Legal Adviser Appointed by the Court, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 163, item 1349, as amended.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Justice of March 5, 2004, on Archiving Court Cases, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 46, item 443.
  • Law on the Tax on Civil Proceedings of September 9, 2000, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of 2005, No. 41, item 399, as amended.
  • Law on Electronic Payment Instruments of September 12, 2002, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 169, item 1385, as amended.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Finance of September 24, 2003, on Specifying Arbitration Courts for Considering Issues Related to the Issuance and Use of Electronic Payment Instruments, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 175, item 1703.
  • Banking Law of August 29, 1997, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 72, item 665, as amended.
  • Regulation of the Minister of Finance of August 21, 2003, on Cross-Border Transfers, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 163, item 1576.

Selected International Agreements Regarding Arbitration Courts Binding in Poland.

  • Protocol on Arbitration Conditions, signed in Geneva on September 24, 1923, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 1931, No. 84, items 648 and 649.
  • Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, adopted in New York on June 10, 1958, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 1962, No. 9, items 41 and 42.